Christian Life

Accountability Questions (Small Group)
David Ahl
PDF Accountability Questions 
Bible Society Lyfe Resource Small group sessions based around the themes of prayer, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, authenticity, compassion, and everyday life The Bible SocietyOnline
Daniel: Thriving at Work as an Exile God’s calling and your vocation Ralph Ennis – The NavigatorsPDFDaniel: Thriving at Work as an Exile 
19 Christian Life Topics Links to a set of handouts and leader’s guides on: Acceptance and Rejection; Suffering; Faith and Deeds; Self-Control; Ambition; Arrogance; Approaching God; Prayer; Lord’s Prayer; Assurance of Salvation; The Beatitudes; Discipline; Blasphemy; A Christian’s Goal; Lessons from Deuteronomy; Sins Punished by Death; Temptation; Friends, Truth and God; Psychics, Astrology, Halloween David Ahl, www.biblestudymen.comHTML/PDFs 19 Christian Life Topics
Short Character Studies Character and Reputation, Compassion, Conflict Resolution, Forgiveness, Integrity, Loyalty, Passion, Patience, Refining of Character David Ahl, www.BibleStudyMen.comHTML/PDFs Short Character Studies
The Fatherhood of God An 8-lesson study to get us to know God as Father Beth Crawford, Vineyard Church ColumbusPDF The Fatherhood of God
Trusting God with Everything Stormie OmartianVideo clip